Tuesday 28 June 2011

CDoart Pre-occupied ... with Richard Armitage

I should do a mountain of work for my little business, but can't get my head off the RA-Birthday topic.

The virus of this heavily contagious influenza really caught me.
This is also the reason, why I could not get my next "Intrigue" part out in time. Sorry!
It is ready, but I did not manage to get it into the computer. I am working to make up for it!!!

And now the reason why:

I have been busily working with Darlingdarling, to set up a website with a blog to centrally collect all the fan-support for Richard Armitage's "Richard III" project.
The first draft of the page with the petition for Richard III. can be found here:

Please give the page and petition your support, please participate and make the collective effort public.
An important information is, the signatures collected remain private and the mail-addresses will not be used in any way to spam you with advertisements. They are kept securely and will only be handed over, if Richard Armitage or his certified agent wish to use them in a way to further his cause with film investors, producers, etc.
Darlingdarling and I will keep you updated on the number of signatures collected.

Please also support Calexora with her wonderful idea for a fan-book for Richard Armitage's 40. Birthday. She collects, designs and organises it so admirably and I must add is very patient and helpful (!!! Thank you !!!).
She agreed to let me and Darlingdarling announce the petition-effort to Richard Armitage in our Birthday messages.  
What great heart and understanding for shy fans Calexora has ;o)

Her collective viewing and discussion of "North & South" will begin tomorrow, Wednesday 29th of June, 2011.

Darlingdarling and I will do our best to integrate fan-wishes, ideas and suggestions into the King Richard Armitage page to make it a mirror of the community effort this support for Richard Armitage and his film-project "Richard III." really is.

Thank you !


  1. Wow - what a great job you are doing - and ofcourse I have signed the petition. Looking foreward to more news about the project.

  2. @alfie
    Thank you very much for your support, Alfie!!! I hope together we can push the project positively forward.

  3. Hi CDoard - many thanks for publicizing my little birthday book for Richard and thanks for sending in your wishes to our dear Mr. A. BTW - we are now at 53 messages from 24 countries! I'm hoping to get to 100.... :D

  4. @calexora
    You are very welcome, Calexora. I hope we reach the 100 mark, but I am quite confident ;o)
    Thank you for all your hard work!
