Friday 29 May 2020

Blog Reunion Day - 2020

Natazukii started this idea, of a blog-reunion of all RA-bloggers.
What a lively community it had been back in the year 2012, celebrating a blog event, shows the Fanstravaganza page with all the linked articles.
I am now one of the mostly silent RA-blogs and am not at the height of all news and updates, so I don't feel comfortable with commenting all too much either.

Natazukii in her tweet wanted to know, what became of the former active bloggers.

Now, here is what I did in the meantime and what kept me from actively taking part in the fandom lately:
I learned a new technique (or rather many, and I am still actively learning more) to achieve some results I could not get elsewhere, or at least not with the necessary specifications, attention to detail and quality I expected from the results, as what I wanted crossed many disciplines and would require a whole boatload of specialists.

An example of some of the techniques I learned and what I have been doing is here:

But of course, my fingers were twitching to do something more RA-related. See what snapshots I caught:

Biker Richard

What glorious movie ideas run through my head, when I look at these images of biker Richard or sophisticated philanthropist Richard ... ;o)

Philanthropist Richard

But I also did something for fun in between all the work and so created a little (blue) 'Richard', as the little guy reminded me so much of stick figure Richard:

Little Blue Richard

So that was what I have been up to. Though not blogging about Richard, not entirely absent of the RAtmosphere.

I hope you enjoyed my journey and have a lovely BlogReunionDay 2020!