Friday 29 May 2020

Blog Reunion Day - 2020

Natazukii started this idea, of a blog-reunion of all RA-bloggers.
What a lively community it had been back in the year 2012, celebrating a blog event, shows the Fanstravaganza page with all the linked articles.
I am now one of the mostly silent RA-blogs and am not at the height of all news and updates, so I don't feel comfortable with commenting all too much either.

Natazukii in her tweet wanted to know, what became of the former active bloggers.

Now, here is what I did in the meantime and what kept me from actively taking part in the fandom lately:
I learned a new technique (or rather many, and I am still actively learning more) to achieve some results I could not get elsewhere, or at least not with the necessary specifications, attention to detail and quality I expected from the results, as what I wanted crossed many disciplines and would require a whole boatload of specialists.

An example of some of the techniques I learned and what I have been doing is here:

But of course, my fingers were twitching to do something more RA-related. See what snapshots I caught:

Biker Richard

What glorious movie ideas run through my head, when I look at these images of biker Richard or sophisticated philanthropist Richard ... ;o)

Philanthropist Richard

But I also did something for fun in between all the work and so created a little (blue) 'Richard', as the little guy reminded me so much of stick figure Richard:

Little Blue Richard

So that was what I have been up to. Though not blogging about Richard, not entirely absent of the RAtmosphere.

I hope you enjoyed my journey and have a lovely BlogReunionDay 2020!


  1. Wow, you've been busy! Glad to see you!

    1. I'm glad to see you here, too! And it feels good to be back here again. So hopefully I will manage to update more often in the future. Till soon.

  2. I love Biker Richard!! Amazing!
    So nice to catch up with everyone :) x

    1. Lovely to see you here, Mulubinba! The Reunion Day is such a lovely idea of Natazukii and for me it feels like coming back. All the best to you and hopefully till soon.

  3. Love that you've been busy my friend. Always love Richard wearing a sweater, love Philanthropist Richard (and Biker Richard too). Fun to catch up with what everyone has been doing.

    1. Hello Fabolaktuko! It is so good to see you here. I enjoy creating RA's in various forms, but I love those two up there, the bad boy and the supposedly 'good' one. He could play both characters very well and I would like to see him give them his very own interpretation of character depth. Hopefully I will create more in the future ;o)

  4. LOL - those images of Biker RA and Philanthropist RA are hilarious. You really have used your time wisely ;-)
    It's great to read on your blog again. I remember with much gratitude that you organised the donation on the occasion of my father's passing. Such things are not forgotten, even if we don't hear of and from each other these days.
    Hope you are well and safe, and thanks for the update!

    1. So good to hear from you here again. I follow your blog, but only jump in occasionally and am much from up-to-date with fandom. Hopefully I will create some more RA-character options in the future. I like the diversity, as RA could give the whole bandwidth from good to bad an insightful interpretation.
      Stay safe and healthy and I wish you all the best!

  5. Little Blue Richard! ���� So cute. Great CGI Richards too.

    1. Those question marks were supposed to be a laughing emoji and one with hearts for eyes

    2. Thank you, Nat! With little blue Richard, I had not planned to create an impersonation of Stick Figure Richard. I just had wanted to try out the old knitting machine which my mother does not like to use and so handed over to me. But when the little guy was finished, I just knew he was a little Richard ;o)
      Thank you so much for having this wonderful idea for this event today !!!

    3. Impersonation or not (I think he's original), your LBR is adorable.

    4. I am partial to this little blue guy, too ;o)
      Thank you, Nat!!!

  6. This is so like you: to use your time to learn CGI. Impressive!

    1. Thank you so much, Servetus. I am still scratching the surface of CGI, but slowly I can get to reach acceptable results for work with it and use it for a current project. I hope all is well with you and whish you all the best!

    2. I tried to leave a comment at KRA, too, but I got a "fatal error." I didn't know about your stomach, that's really a nightmare scenario. Hope things are calm now.

    3. Thank you so much, Servetus, for letting me know about the KRA-comment error! I had not recognized it so far, with no new posts on KRA lately. But it seems to be a general error, which might have been there for a while. The first debugging attempts unfortunately give me no clue where to begin to look for the error, so it won't be something I can repair quickly. - Can't say I like the new WP so far. More problems than it is worth...
      With my stomach thing, it is a daily trial and error and something I will have to live with. But it gives me a totally new approach to food and its ingredients. Many things propagated by the food industry and even recommended by doctors, are totally wrong and misleading. The worst discovery I made so far though is, that I can't even take most medicine, or at least not without pain, as the basic ingredients (not necessarily the medication itself) don't cope well with me. Fortunately, I don't rely on constant medication, though some vitamins would be nice from time to time. ;o)
      But this also makes me avoid travelling or going anywhere where I can't control the food and that unfortunately is very limiting, even independently of Corona. I also avoid being invited, because who would want a guest like me (bringing her own food, which others judge to be totally bland and tasteless and consequently see as spoiler of their eating fun). While I would love to at least get the smells of good food or cakes (!), when I can't eat them, but I don't want to take away the joy of others. ;o)
      Thanky again for the comment-tipp!!! I will continue searching for a solution.

  7. Biker Richard reminds me of when he played Ricky Deeming in George Gently! :) I like Philanthropist Richard, he looks suitably brooding, but not as much as I like Little Blue Richard, who is simply amazing. Maybe a collaboration post with Stick Figure Richard in the future? That would be so much fun!

    Much love to you! ♥

    1. Sounds wonderful! I love the little blue Richard, too. He has such a sweet face and turned out much better than I had expected from the re-used old yarn. All the best to you and I am glad you finally came out of your café-adventure fine. All the best to you and keep safe and healthy!

  8. The RA CGI is damn cool. Same for LBR which got me blue because it somehow reminded me of Little Richard’s passing. I was wondering if you have any plans for a wardrobe? ;) FYI I send you a message on twitter
