Friday 27 July 2012

A Re-Invention of Identity

Either "The Hobbit" or RA himself has changed RA.
It is hard to tell, if hard PR-training or the whole experience with "The Hobbit" caused the latest change, but there at ComicCon, I had the impression that a new RA appeared once again.
He no longer is John Porter, whom he even brought back to Spooks at the beginning of series 9, and he certainly no longer is Guy of Gisborne or John Thornton, not even the RA of those times.

The mature, self-confident man is new. What remains the same, is the overwhelming good humour and friendliness, so vividly twinkling in his eyes.

How should one ever fall out of fandom, with such an addictive actor?
How can one possibly resist the mischief lurking in his eyes?

Picture from the HitFix interview at ComicCon by Katie Hasty
More details, the video and my favourite quote are here at KRA

I certainly can't resist ;o)
whatever the latest developments in fandom are or do or show.

For me, the one character trait I admire over all else in others is, what I found so rich in my mother.
She is the loveliest woman in my life, not only because she is my mother, but I also see it in her interactions with other people.
She even has and ever had a good word about her enemies. You could now ask, when she is that good, why does she have enemies (and she had quite numerous ones during the time I grew up).
But enemies (and bullies or mean spirited people or however you want to call them) don't need a reason to be mean. They are strong against someone who is not like them, as mean spirited and as vile as they are. They feel strong, by discrediting someone else, by building themselves up in comparison to someone else they intentionally disgrace for their own pleasure, by putting stones in their 'object's' way, just for their own narrow-minded entertainment.

You see, I know all the interactions and expressions of meanness, as I had experienced enough of it, just because I came into the shooting line of the mean people trying to hit my mother.

I won't ever defend or give space to any attempt of meanness - and why I write that here - I also will eradicate and immediately delete any attempt of being mean or vile or harmful to either another fan or RA immediately and without hesitation here on this blog.

I at the same time want to stress, every fan open for the wonder of the exceptional beauty of the RA-fandom is welcome here.

Though, with a sad eye, I recognise, that the vile comments on i*m*d*b took their toll and already changed the tone among friends in the fandom. I won't participate and I won't take sides.

I just come back to the motto of my headline and perhaps we as fans can join RA and re-invent our identity after the latest struggles and become a loving, caring and loveable group of witty and funny RArmy girls again, who embrace each other in their differences and don't try to become a fan-police, where there is no necessity for it.

I certainly don't like certain parts of the fandom. I resist from involving myself in them and won't give them more attention than they deserve.
I can't stand certain discussions about RA, just because I just don't need them to be a fan or find his acting wonderful and cherish every appearance of him on screen. I admire his work, love what he does, feverishly await what he intends to do and support him to ease his way to do whatever he wants to do in the future.

That is my credo of fandom.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Loyalty & Honor & Trust & Camaraderie

Loyalty and honour and trust and camaraderie. I think those themes are contemporary.

Today, I intentionally quote RA from one of his latest interviews at the ComicCon 2012 (KRA article about HitFix interview). This event in itself gives the quote a special meaning, though I am sure it was not intended that way and hopefully RA was not and will not become aware of the background I refer to.

I must admit, the appearing crisis before the ComicCon shook my believe in the fandom immensely and I am still not entirely sure how to react to those happenings.

From the words in the headline, I especially want to emphasise "TRUST" among fellow fans, as it is the basis of friendship, of camaraderie, of loyalty and only if those aspects are intact, can lead to honour.

My trust is a bit shaken now and I still feel not as comfortable as I felt before those happenings.
As I have such a lot of battlefields around me already, I certainly won't make my blog one more.
Not because I don't think it worth the effort, but because it would entirely contradict the intention of the blog.
It became clear to me that my blog is so much a part of me and is about myself, that I just will never defend or fight for myself or my blog. I am, that should be argument enough.
To defend my position, would already mean a statement forced upon me, not of my own choice, but in reaction to someone else's agenda, an agenda I certainly don't agree with, as it is prejudiced by economical and overcome perceptions and expectations, by someone who does not even try to understand my or other fans' positions, but still tries to limit our search for explanations and reasons for a singular (or collective) experience, which is not put out there on blogs to seek corrective input, but is a statement of fact, an observation of a personal experience of RA-fandom and as such incorrigible.

P.S.: At first I had thought about drawing back with my blog. But I see that this would give the wrong impression and would cut me off an important part of my life and my creativity. I also would be a puppet in the game of someone else and that entirely would not do for me. Though I still gave myself till the 12th of December to entirely decide how to secure my back and cope with the new developments.

P.P.S.: I am very glad, that the original comment, which a fellow fan pointed out on i*m*d*b (otherwise I would never have found it), now is gone from the site. (I intentionally write that name wrong, as I don't want accidental clicks on my blog. I have enough because of once mentioning R*T*L.) And I must explain, I use RA, as it is a non-search engine optimised, but still generally understandable form of the actor's name, who's attention to detail I admire.

Saturday 21 July 2012

The Search for King Richard III Can Begin ...

The appeal reached its goal and things can proceed now.

I am really happy, that the search for King Richard III's burrial place can start as planned.

It gives attention to King Richard, is an important discovery and research into the history of Leicester and with the appeal, a collective attempt of all of us supporters of King Richard III.

Thank you to all contributors, to make this happen !!!

Friday 13 July 2012

URGENT Archaeology Appeal - Search for King Richard III

Philippa Langley, the screenwriter of a more realistic script about King Richard III, which has the interest of Mr. Armitage, contacted the KingRichardArmitage website.

She has an urgent appeal, where she needs our help. Urgent deadline already is the 20th of July, 2012!
An archaeological dig is scheduled to take place starting this August in Leicester, seeking the last resting place of Richard III, and hoping to find and re-inter his remains with proper solemnity. In addition it is hoped the excavations will be filmed, and then form part of a proposed landmark TV special telling Richard's real story.

The project has encountered a sudden and unforeseen shortfall of funds, shortly before the digging is intended to start. This puts the whole project in danger of being closed down, hence they are appealing for urgent pledges of funds.

Please note that Richard Armitage is not involved in the archaeological digging project, though he is informed about it.

The KingRichardArmitage website has more information and reading recommendations (with interesting online available articles).

There also is a form where you can directly enter your pledge.
You will get a receipt and confirmation mail for your pledge. (Please understand, this pledge-method is chosen because of the unexpected and last-minute occurrence of the money shortfall for the digging project. Details about where and when to make the real payment will follow, as soon as all required details are set up.)

I read Dr. Ashdown-Hill's arguments about the whereabouts of King Richard III's remains and I must say, his research sounds rather convincing. So I must admit, I am really curious about what the digging can unearth.
It really would be a pity if it could not happen because of this last minute money cut due to economic necessities by one of the sponsors.

Urgent - till June 20th, 2012!

No Space for Brave Fans

Some time ago, I have posted about brave fans and an "Unexpected Journey".
As it turns out, this journey will not take place.

Long discussions and a very heated debate later, the journey is cancelled.
Futile to say more, the dies are cast and the opportunity is gone.

No report about the ComicCon or San Diego. I really was curious about the town itself, a town I will most likely never see for real.

So I will go back to the wonderful skyline:

San Diego (by tornicio77 - shared on and

Now I am very grateful, that I will not be around and anywhere near a computer over the ComicCon weekend. (More about this will follow shortly.)