Saturday 12 March 2016

Food for - Lucas North -

Characterisation of Lucas North

Lucas North is an insecure character, who wants to fit in and show his abilities and fitness to be taken seriously in his profession and by his peers, a veneer he wants to hide behind. He demands the highest from himself, but internally fears, that he won't be able to meet the demands put on him by his job and others, because of his background, because of his upbringing, because of his time spent in a Russian prison (and as the last episode of Spooks 9 also suggests) because of all his lies of and in his life he tried so hard to hide.

Food suggestion for Lucas North

Carpaccio (Original version developed by Giuseppe Cipriani in Venice) - with white bread and an excellent vintage Italian red wine - (Heeding the current Italian food appreciation in the U.K., while still fitting his desire for rawness and immediacy).

Later to relax, his time in Russia would come out and show in his further choice:
Russian caviar - champagne (vodca would be too disabling for an agent and Lucas North has too much style to drug himself senselessly). Russian blini as a sweet dessert.

Lucas North, as pale as he is, does not seem to me as an entirely healthy or health oriented man. So vegetables are out of the question for him.

Friday 4 March 2016

Un-Sweet World

I have the good news that in her deep hiding, CDoart was discovered again and has not entirely gone missing from RAndom (= RA-fandom).

Last year, with lots of work, she went under deep cover needing more fun and distraction than a fearful Alp-traveler from the ancient world could deliver. The new year then started with her leaving out almost an entire month, spending it in 'sweet' agony, throwing her well ordered world back into total chaos. As a result of it, now all sweetness is meticulously banned from her life.

No sweet Easter eggs, no chocolate bunny, no cake, no juice or fruit, no ...  ;o(
Well, hopefully in the far distant future, the sweetness will come back, slowly, gradually, eventually ...

So lots of RA-sweetness is needed, to compensate the lost sweetness in life.

RA-candy ;o)
as the new life, like the old, is just not possible without sweetness.

Hello Friends !!!
I am back. Not entirely well and carrying quite a bit less weight around with me, but back at least, curiously looking and discovering and finding it astonishing that I am still around ;o)

I hope you are all fine and thriving and enjoying RA's talent to the fullest.

Best wishes and greetings,
CDoart ;o)

RA in front of a cup with sweet ice cream,
watched by a sweet little dinosaur.
(CBeeBies, BBC)