Richard Armitage - Supported Charitable Organisations:
Please help wherever you can and your heart leads you.
Organisations I support for quite some time now are:
Our little brothers and sisters (Unsere kleinen BrĂ¼der und Schwestern)
This is a 'help-shop', quite an unusual concept. But this religious charity organisation is very engaged to help people help themselves, with food, health care and education.
You will know the famous actor "Sir Peter Ustinov". He founded this organisation to help children worldwide.
Recommended Links and Blogs:
Me+Richard - A blog by Servetus
A very intelligent and deep insight into films and the acting of a certain special person.
RichardArmitageOnline - A site by Annette
A very well informed site about the activities and productions of this actor. - A site by Ali (Alicat), Wendy and Lisa
A site with a wide variety of material (pictures, screencaps, audio and video) with and about this certain actor.
AllThingsRArmitage - A blog by Ricrar
Discussions about a certain actor and funny polls.
RAFrenzy - A blog by RAFrenzy
Interesting comments and perspectives about a certain actor.
ArmitageFanBlog - A blog by Nat
Always interesting comments and articles about a certain actor with a nice collection of background music.
SpooksFanBlog - A blog by Skully
Special blog concerning all topics and actors of the TV series "Spooks".