Thursday 22 August 2024

In Memoriam Servetus (1969 - 2024)

Servetus - Me & Richard

Her name (pseudonym) in my mind stands for the fandom itself.

I found the Richard Armitage-fandom through instructional videos how to cut and publish videos. But Servetus and her to-the-point arguments were the reason that drew me in and kept me hooked.

When I after a while started a blog to rant and rave on my own - not expecting to get a single reader besides myself - Servetus invited me into Fanstravaganza and saw me, when I thought to be undetected and invisible in the vast spheres of the internet.

Her active and vivid mind seemed a leading light in fandom for me, and I had been waiting for her to have time to finally write the books I knew she still had in her. So to discover her gone, was a complete shock to me and I thought I had misread. But ...


To commemorate Servetus on a day of celebration and happiness is not so far off in my mind, as Mr. Armitage's birthday in itself is a day of commemoration of the death of King Richard III, which lead to his first name being 'Richard'. So life and death on this day is interwoven here already.


Servetus brought us so much input, creativity, broadness of thought, way of fan-integration and of community building, that to celebrate her on a day like this and to remember all the bright and happy times we spent with her and her funny, intensive, thought-provoking, self-dissecting, revealing and fascinating posts and comments, is a joyful endeavor in itself.

Here a small selection of her work, which she left on websites that are managed by me:

* On the CDoart-blog, she was a constant and supportive commentator.

* Her contributions to Fanstravaganza 2011 and Fanstravaganza 2012

* Her contributions on the KingRichardArmitage-Website

Not to forget her unending inspiration, she left us on her own blog Me+Richard.

(Please feel free to leave comments and links to Servetus' work in the comments, to add to this condensed list of her great influence.)

It was a great honour and joy for me, to have encountered Servetus in my life.

She gave me a feeling back, that my mind was free to spread and discover, while my surrounding previously had dulled and suppressed it. So encountering her for me was a great revelation and a permit to get into myself and my own strengths again. It was a fundamental change and also chance she provided me with in her unique way.

And as such, her memory will always have a fond spot in my heart.

P.S.: Please let me know, if you would be interested to join a Servetus-commemoration-event around April 14th, 2025 and eventually in coming years as well! An event that would be not only in memoriam of Servetus, but of all our wonderful fellow-fans, who have - for now - left us behind.

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