Thursday 25 November 2010

Pre-Spooks9-Interview with Richard Armitage - By David Stephenson

David Stephenson had Richard Armitage in for questioning before Spooks 9 started. Mr. Armitage only revealed a bit about the first two episodes, but unfortunately did not shed much light onto the rest of series 9.
Nonetheless a worthwhile interview:

Express - The Sunday Express interview: TV Editor David Stephenson talks to Spooks star Richard Armitage


  1. I do like hearing Richard Armitage's interviews! Thanks for posting it.

  2. @bccmee
    Thank you! You are welcome! I love hearing his voice too ;o)
    I first wanted to post my new video, the one which I have already mentioned towards you, as well. But I have major technical problems with it and had to contact the support. So that will take some time till I can finish that.
