Thursday 20 January 2011

Announcement - fanstRAvaganza 2011 (from March 14th to 21st, 2011)

fanstRAvaganza 2011

THE event for all fans of Richard Armitage is held this second year! Initiated by Nat from it is a combined event on various blogs to celebrate the main topic and subject of those blogs, Richard Armitage.

You can find a list of all participating blogs here.


  1. @Avalon
    Thank you! I am so much looking forward to fanstRAvaganza and can hardly await to read and see all the participating posts.
    All the best to you.

  2. You will participate too on fanstRAvaganza? Cool! Can't wait for March to come ;)

    OML :)

  3. @onemorelurker1
    With all the excitement about my "Schnuckie" I totally overlooked your so very nice comment about my participating in the next FanstRAvaganza.
    Thank you very much for your so supportive comment!
    I am a bit nervous, if I can finish my contribution in time. Hopefully...
