It took me a long time to decide what to write about my first bloggiversary.
At first I thought about writing about why I started the blog and why I maintained it, but this is not really, what interests me about my blog. (I am a boring necessity for the blog, so why write about me ;o)
So lately I came more and more to the idea to collect, what the blog gives me.
First I must add that I did not expect to get any readers, so the start was clearly not made with any intention to write for others to read my stuff. Sorry for that, but I greatly enjoy having readers! Thank you for bearing me and staying with me during my tweaks and turns and struggles!!!!
You will have recognized:
* that I don't care for actual events and the covering of the news. That is for other blogs to do who do it greatly. I am a bit more carefree and take up what I just read or stumble over, which need not be of any current kind, but lately is mostly connected to our 'secret' King of Hearts,
King Richard Armitage.
* that you can't really expect news from "The Hobbit" here on my blog. I bear it, as Mr. Armitage is in it and I admire the elaborate video techniques and perfect marketing campaign. If I were born again, I would like to develop camera technic (but then I would most likely have to be born a man to get into such a job and that I would rather not like, as then I most likely would not find the RA-fandom and that would absolutely not be bearable ;o). Who would help me over my (computer) problems then?
* that I have two computers, supporting me in my fandom to Mr. Armitage: one computer is named after a fantasy character I put RA into, Max (Maximilian) and another, Schnuckie with a new by-name "Schnuckie Schlawuckie" (= sorry, an adequate English translation for that name is just beyond me. [Perhaps it is best explained with: Schnuckie is a bit like 'darling', but perhaps a bit more informal than that. Schlawuckie is a tender way to say someone is quite annoying and tricky and most importantly you do not hold a lasting grudge against this person or in my case computer ;o)]
* that I do like RA in most of his roles and avoid others.
The one's I like exceedingly are John Thornton, John Porter, Lucs North (Al Delarmy ;o), John Mulligan (swoon - I surely would end up in prison with a John Mulligan around ;o), I like some of his smaller roles like the free spirited Ricky Deeming and even was surprised that I very much liked him as Percy Courtney in "Miss Mary Lloyd", Captain Ian Macalwain and as unpretentious and nice Claude Monet or as the 'dutiful' husband in "Frozen".
Some other roles are quite entirely missing on my blog and I avoid mentioning them, as they irritate me ;o) [That is the prerogative of 'boring me' ;o)]
So as a sum up, on my blog, I do what I like and don't bother with things I don't ;o)
Now what about a jubilee celebration and why a jubilee is so important for me:
* I want to say thank you to my blog, for what he did for me. (My blog is once again a thing which is, quite necessarily, male for me like my computers, which/who ;o) bring and connect me to RA news and information.)
* I want to say thank you to you, my readers, for supporting me, giving me feedback, support and most of all, your open friendship. THANK YOU!!!!
Thank you also for opening a new world for me during this year of blogging, a world of openness, understanding and encouragement.
* Thank you for your contributions into fandom, fan-art, fan-videos and fan curiosity ;o) Your contributions keep me alive, when once again my computer brakes down or in a chaotic work day things just get completely out of hand and start to be absolutely crazy. Your nice support stops the world from spinning uncontrollably and brings my focus back to the nice and important things which are dear to my heart. Thank you!!!
* Especially I want to thank the one person who is the reason for all this and stands in the centre of this blog: Mr.
Richard Armitage. Thank you for giving the wonderful impression of being an exceptional person and for giving inspiration to so many.
Now you really have deserved a treat, for I kept you so long with talking about what is important to me, though I at the beginning had not wanted to speak about 'boring me' ;o)
To celebrate, I want to do this with one of my favourite videos by bccmee, who is our fan-artist of the week on
KingRichardArmitage. Please click through her various works, tutorials and fascinating images and videos, some of which are linked in the celebrating articles mentioned on
Richard-Fan-Art. (On the
Richard-Fan-Art page we try to collect the news and blog articles about Richard Armitage and King Richard III, though the page still has quite some potential for optimisation.)
Bccmee's video "
Do you know your enemy?" to music by Green Day impresses me every time. Though in my daily live the enemy normally is not so clearly defined as in the video, still it helps greatly to fight mine ;o)
My blog and this video have one thing in common in this case, as both help me to fight my enemies, in- and outside of me ;o)
Now I need to prepare for a new year of blogging. I promise to come back to "Intrigue". I have such a lot of notes I must sort through to get some things in the right order to continue halfway consistent.
Thank YOU for your help in a wonderful blogging year!