Thursday 22 August 2024

In Memoriam Servetus (1969 - 2024)

Servetus - Me & Richard

Her name (pseudonym) in my mind stands for the fandom itself.

I found the Richard Armitage-fandom through instructional videos how to cut and publish videos. But Servetus and her to-the-point arguments were the reason that drew me in and kept me hooked.

When I after a while started a blog to rant and rave on my own - not expecting to get a single reader besides myself - Servetus invited me into Fanstravaganza and saw me, when I thought to be undetected and invisible in the vast spheres of the internet.

Her active and vivid mind seemed a leading light in fandom for me, and I had been waiting for her to have time to finally write the books I knew she still had in her. So to discover her gone, was a complete shock to me and I thought I had misread. But ...


To commemorate Servetus on a day of celebration and happiness is not so far off in my mind, as Mr. Armitage's birthday in itself is a day of commemoration of the death of King Richard III, which lead to his first name being 'Richard'. So life and death on this day is interwoven here already.


Servetus brought us so much input, creativity, broadness of thought, way of fan-integration and of community building, that to celebrate her on a day like this and to remember all the bright and happy times we spent with her and her funny, intensive, thought-provoking, self-dissecting, revealing and fascinating posts and comments, is a joyful endeavor in itself.

Here a small selection of her work, which she left on websites that are managed by me:

* On the CDoart-blog, she was a constant and supportive commentator.

* Her contributions to Fanstravaganza 2011 and Fanstravaganza 2012

* Her contributions on the KingRichardArmitage-Website

Not to forget her unending inspiration, she left us on her own blog Me+Richard.

(Please feel free to leave comments and links to Servetus' work in the comments, to add to this condensed list of her great influence.)

It was a great honour and joy for me, to have encountered Servetus in my life.

She gave me a feeling back, that my mind was free to spread and discover, while my surrounding previously had dulled and suppressed it. So encountering her for me was a great revelation and a permit to get into myself and my own strengths again. It was a fundamental change and also chance she provided me with in her unique way.

And as such, her memory will always have a fond spot in my heart.

P.S.: Please let me know, if you would be interested to join a Servetus-commemoration-event around April 14th, 2025 and eventually in coming years as well! An event that would be not only in memoriam of Servetus, but of all our wonderful fellow-fans, who have - for now - left us behind.

Happy Birthday - Richard Armitage !


Happy Birthday
and lots of joy
and many funny, enjoyable, thoughtprovoking and interesting films, audiobooks, books and projects to come in your life!
(The last part is a bit selfish, as I want to enjoy more ;o)
Best wishes and greetings,

Saturday 13 January 2024

In Memoriam Gonzalo Lira (1968 - 2024)

Perhaps you ask, who Gonzalo Lira is, or rather was.
I won't give details to him or his background, or even my reasons for mentioning him and his passing here.

But today, things just became too much and I finally had to break my long silence here.

I am angry for so many reasons, and starting to write here again might cause me to break my equilibrium and finally explode.

In a way, this post already is that, me exploding - or at least bubbling over.


Gonzalo Lira (1968 - 2024, killed in and by UKR)


Please take a moment and say a prayer with me for Gonzalo Lira and his family (he has two young children) and also for what he fought for - for the freedom of speech.
Is 'freedom of speech' as dead as he is now?


(I might not answer comments on this post, though I hesitate to restrict them altogether.)

Thursday 31 December 2020

Happy New Year, my Friends !!!

 Dear friends and fellow RA-admirers around the world,

Last year, because of rarely blogging, not being up to date with RA-news and not feeling as if I had much to say, I did not wish you all a happy new year 2020 - and see, what year we had as a consequence !  ;o)

This year, I don't want to omit my annual greetings, though you otherwise rarely hear from me. 

Best wishes to you all and I wish you a wonderful, healthy and prosperous new year 2021 !!!

Stay healthy and safe and I hope you are well provided for and everything turns out in your favor.

Best wishes, lots of luck and all the best greetings to you all, my friends !!!


Greetings and cheers,

CDoart ;o)




Friday 29 May 2020

Blog Reunion Day - 2020

Natazukii started this idea, of a blog-reunion of all RA-bloggers.
What a lively community it had been back in the year 2012, celebrating a blog event, shows the Fanstravaganza page with all the linked articles.
I am now one of the mostly silent RA-blogs and am not at the height of all news and updates, so I don't feel comfortable with commenting all too much either.

Natazukii in her tweet wanted to know, what became of the former active bloggers.

Now, here is what I did in the meantime and what kept me from actively taking part in the fandom lately:
I learned a new technique (or rather many, and I am still actively learning more) to achieve some results I could not get elsewhere, or at least not with the necessary specifications, attention to detail and quality I expected from the results, as what I wanted crossed many disciplines and would require a whole boatload of specialists.

An example of some of the techniques I learned and what I have been doing is here:

But of course, my fingers were twitching to do something more RA-related. See what snapshots I caught:

Biker Richard

What glorious movie ideas run through my head, when I look at these images of biker Richard or sophisticated philanthropist Richard ... ;o)

Philanthropist Richard

But I also did something for fun in between all the work and so created a little (blue) 'Richard', as the little guy reminded me so much of stick figure Richard:

Little Blue Richard

So that was what I have been up to. Though not blogging about Richard, not entirely absent of the RAtmosphere.

I hope you enjoyed my journey and have a lovely BlogReunionDay 2020!

Thursday 22 August 2019

RA Happy Birthday - Hero in Every Book I Read - Interview with Chris T. Delarmy _ Part II

Happy Birthday, Richard Armitage !

(Omitted picture of a cake. - Sorry, I still need to painstaikingly avoid anything with sugar. Fortunately RA is sweet in another way ;o)

A wonderful birthday-post with a donation of US$ 1,- for each commentator commenting on the post is on Servetus' blog.
I am reluctant to make someone else donate for me, so I hesitate to comment, but please feel free to comment there and raise Servetus' donation.

Due to work pressure and my limited access, I am neither well informed nore up to date on RA's projects, though I try to follow as much as I can.
But for the day, it rather seems more sensible for me to post what has rested on my blog unfinished for a long while, to join in on the birthday party:

That Richard Armitage gets the role of every hero I read about in a book, is no wonder, as I admire his work. But that other people I know, but are not in the fandom, begin to see him in books as well, is surprising, even for me.
The one book, I already told you about, where I pictured him as a hero, was the one written by a close contact of me:

Chris T. Delarmy's "Rescued Hostage"

But now, a publishing contact of mine, who also read the book - and enjoyed it - saw him in the male leading role of the book as well, though she and her partner are not part of his fandom.
That was a surprise to me, when I got that feedback.

Perhaps the description of the grumpy hero would somehow be a role for RA? Who knows.
I can't depict him in the book in one of his previous roles. He rather is much more distinguished and perhaps a bit self-assured, bordering on arrogant, in this book. A role he in my opinion has not played so far. Though perhaps, his role in the book could steal some aspects from "North and South"?

Now that also the German edition of the book is finished and published, I wanted to know even more details from the author Chris T. Delarmy, how the hero is depicted in his head.
The first answer I got was, that the author intentionally wanted to leave the description of the hero relatively vague in the book, to let each reader depict his/her own favourite guy and heroine in the main roles.
Consequently, I could not sit still or remain silent and of course wanted to know, how Chris T. Delarmy saw the hero in his mind. And what an answer I got then ;o)
Of course Richard Armitage. What better man could be the hero of a novel with an a bit grumpy hero. Not that RA would ever be as grumpy as my hero in the book. But RA would be an excellent actor, to do the multitude of facettes and layers of the hero justice, which I don't think many other actors could even try to attempt. So yes, in my mind, Richard Armitage played out my hero in the book. That was rather helpful to depict the actions and rather quick moving argumentations of the book and keep track with the hero's intentions, schemes and intrigues.

As the book from the way the story is told as well as from its setup would be ideal for filming, I naturally wanted to know, if Richard Armitage would be the ideal hero for a film in the author's mind:
Yes, Richard Armitage is exactly the man I depicted in the novel and I would see as ideal for a film. Though I would not see him following an exact role he has already played, but he would be able to show his acting talent in getting into a new environment and mindset. 
As the hero of the book also has quite a journey to go through, I even think he might be an interesting character to get into and follow on his journey through the adventures of the book.
Prof. Lynford is not a static character. He went through a lot and needs a new perspective on life and what is really important for him. During the story, he needs to change his outlook on things around him.

As I am no screenwriter and my story is not written as a screenplay, it is an honour that you think the book would be ideal to be filmed. The one thing I certainly would like to see on a big screen, would be the explosion (no spoilers here!) and the hero's reaction to it on board of his sailing boat. That would be a thing I would love to see Richard Armitage to enact.

Also his reaction during the questioning regarding this explosion and his argumentative ways would be a thing I would like to see and emotionally played to its full potential by Richard Armitage.
Chris T. Delarmy told me much more than this, but I don't want to bore you with a long interview here.
If you have more questions to the author, please let me know and I can ask them in follow up interviews later on.

Now I wish you lots of enjoyment with the books and with the birthday celebrations for Richard Armitage.

Happy Birthday, Richard Armitage !!!

Chris T. Delarmy "Rescued Hostage"

German edition: "Gerettete Geisel"