Monday, 12 November 2012

Two Years and ...

Two years and not a little bit wiser?

I thought about comparing me now with me in the age of two years, but except from fears I hade, I do not have an all too close rememberance of that time. As I don't want to bring up my fears from back then - they are enough during nightmares - and, as far as I know, I do not even have a picture from myself in that age, that is not so adequate for this special moment of two years of admiRAtion.

So I dismissed my first approach to two years of blogging, as I thought that does not really cover it all.

Perhaps it can describe me (at least the "not a little bit wiser" part)  ;o)
but surely not my magnifold experiences in and with fandom.

Two years and lots of RA ?

No, that surely can't be. It was not nearly enough for my taste ;o)

Two years and ... lots of experiences ?

That surely gets closer to the point now.

The two years brought me a wide variety of experiences, lovely contacts and friends and a dear advisor and confidant, who's opinion I value very much and would not have had the least chance to meet without fandom. (I hope you know who you are. I don't want to openly name you here.)

I am so very grateful for the experiences of the last two years,
the growing confidence,
the feeling of togetherness,
the feeling of being whole and right where and how I am,
the experience of support and helpfulness,
the friendship that makes this whole experience and effort of blogging worthwhile.

Thank you for being there and being the supportive and interested friends you are !!!

Let's celebrate together with RA:

John Mulligan celebrates with us ;o)
Screencap from "Drowning not Waving" (Moving on) -
  Source: (edited)


  1. Happy Second RA Anniversary :)

    1. Thank you very much, Faboamanto. It is a joy celebrating it with you !

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Servetus. Your taking part in the celebrations and the two years means a lot to me!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, jazzbaby1!
      It is a joy to celebrate the anniversary with you!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Herba! Thank you for celebrating RA with me in my RAnniversary ;o)

  5. Happy blogoversary! *raises a glass* And here's to another couple of years (at least)! :D

    1. Thank you very much, Traxy. Cheers and Prost !
      For good RA-years to come ;o)

  6. Oh dear! I should have been here sooner! Belated congratulations on your 2nd year in blogging. I am so glad that you are in a better place now than you were before. Thanks so much for all you have done in the fandom. It has been a pleasure getting to know a bit about you! :)

    1. Thank you, Phylly3. No time pressure at all here. I was late with joining my own celebrations as well ;o)
      The two years have been a pleasure in meeting you. Thank you !

  7. Belated Congrats! I raise my glass to you :)

    1. Thank you, iwanttobeapinup. It is so lovely to celebrate with you. Cheers ! ;o)

  8. Happy Bloggiversary! CDoart! Congratulations!

    1. Thank you very much, Jonia's cut, for coming to celebrate with me. Fandom is great with friends like you!

  9. Happy Bloggiversary! CDoart!
    Take Care!
    Ana Cris

    1. Thank you, Ana Cris. I hope we will have many more RA-blogging years together. Take care as well and best wishes!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, Ania, for joining the celebRAtions ;o) All the best to you!

  11. Happy Bloggiversary, CDoart! Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you very much, Fabi. With friends like you, RA-fandom is great and blogging is a pure joy. Thank you!

  12. Happy 2nd Aniversary! I wish you to have a lot of wonderful experiences ahead! ^_^

    1. Thank you very much, vec170203, for joining the celebRAtion party! I hope for lots of future fan-cRAziness together ;o)

  13. Sorry for leaving the party early! I focused on some urgent business decisions this week and entirely blocked everything else from my mind.
    I slowly get through them now, or at least try to not let them influence me so much, though the upheaval left me feeling a bit like I just scrambled through some kind of flu.
    Thank you all, for leaving such great comments and lovely feedback !
